Over the past year Beth Namenwirth has been making rather small paintings. She tries to make them as quick as
possible because she discovered that speed improves the expressiveness and makes the paint look alive. Also does
she like the paint to be thick and rich, so one can really see that the image is painted. Usually she chooses a subject
which she finds whimsicle, awkward or subjects she has strong feelings about. These can be everyday life situations
or political topics. By combining several visual elements in the painting a new artificial reality is created.
Each simple everyday objest and each person in her paintings is depicted with visible pleasure and unmistakable
1987-1993 Gerrit Rietveldacademie, Amsterdam
1991 Cooper Union, New York
2022 – Eervolle vermelding Vishal Kunstprijs
2017 – De Nederlandse portretprijs (nominatie)
2013 – Eervolle vermelding van de Vishal kunstprijs
1996 – Wim lzaksprijs (nominatie)
1995 – Mama Cash